miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

managing employees´ personalities and attitudes

In a company, managers have many challenges, profits and customer satisfaction is very important but they have to look beyond that and realized that employees are the most important part of an organization; they represent the basis of the business. Inside the company, there are different jobs and activities that have to be completed, someone has to do them but not everybody has the correct characteristics to perform it, that reason is why managers have to care about personality and personal capacities. When hiring someone for a specific job or role it is very important to take into account the person background in order to identify if he is the correct person to perform the activity; culture, beliefs and behaviors must be analyzed on this. Understanding the differences in personality from each person will allow managers to choose, in a better way, the best profile that fits a specific role or job; coming up with better performance and better results for the company.
Once managers know the employee´s personality and see that it was the right employee for the task needed, managers have also to focus on attitudes. The own idea that employees have toward the organization and their behavior is crucial for company´s welfare, a bad attitude could not only affect the organization internally (ambiance inside the Org.) but also externally. Family, friends and partners will notice negative attitudes and they might create a negative perception of it thanks the information received, in the other hand, in my personal opinion, a positive attitude of the employee toward his job can come up with a better performance of the person in his activities and also will radiate a good feeling of the company outside it. Changing negative attitudes is also another challenging issue that managers have to deal with, it is necessary to know how the worker feels in order to know what decision make and keep him motivated inside the company.                              
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