domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Globalization and the corporate control over the world

The world is constantly changing; we are living in the era of competition, globalization, liberalization and internationalization of all countries. History is the only thing that let us understand why the world is changing more and more. There are different moments that remark special issues and changes in history; the industrial revolution is one of those important moments. In this period of time people came up with great ideas for industry, economy and grow; the born of the corporation took place in this period, coming up with a new concept “ the legal person” which has the same behavior, rights and duties as any other one but we can considered it in a different level.
Corporations are taking the world´s control, people and governments are not the principal and main character anymore; corporations took that place leaving people and government aside, or to said it better it work with them but corporation is the one who gets the control. Corporations that have taken advantage from all their recourses and capabilities and have used their strategies properly have gain special status and performance among people, governments and nations, this is what we call multinational corporations; they are widely recognized and have strong influence in behaviors and control In nations. Multinational such as McDonalds and Coca-cola have, now-a-days important influence in people´s behavior, they are like a common culture that the entire world has, people recognized these two corporations anywhere they go and behave in a certain way even thought we are not from the same country or culture. Globalization and internationalization of the companies is what have allowed corporation to have an important role in different aspects, social, economical and political. We can found that multinational corporation in different countries are taking into account for decision making processes in a country and sometimes we can see that corporations get involved in internal issues of the nation this is one of the aspects that allowed companies to better understand customers from an specific territory, the most the corporation knows about customer, territory and customs the better it would manipulate and control people and places. In the other hand I have to say that multinational corporation; even though they take the control in businesses they bring competition, differentiation and innovation to one territory.

As a conclusion I would like to note that globalization is a phenomenon that changes the course of the world little by little, different moments in history show how the globalization process changes the world, the industrial revolution came up with legal person “ corporations”  that were born to maximize competition and innovation in all aspects not only between other corporations but with people and governments.


miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

As I expressed before, employees are the basis of any company, every activity and process start with the employee performance that is the reason why managers and executives have to care about personnel, motivation and the ambiance inside the business.
I used to think that motivation in a company was not a big issue, that it was easy to manage, but I realized that when someone goes out to the business world, motivation is complex issue for directors, they have to be innovative with this topic taking into account that diversity is important, when employees received always the same it won´t be as effective as it used to be.
In order to implement good motivation activities it is fundamental to know what kind of people is the company working with, also the maturity level of the company in motivation. In a paper written by Stephen Flynn “can you directly motivate employees? Exploring the myth “it is argued that before motivating employees, managers have to take a look in the maturity level, there are four different levels that help the company to know its capacities and its aims toward motivation.  This will allow manager to deal in a better way with motivation. Taking into consideration the employees, the maturity levels in motivation and the companies goal it will be easier to motivate people looking for the company benefits and achievement of its goals.
In my personal opinion, I think that the main issue in motivation is communication, being alert on what people inside the company say will help to know better the ambiance inside the company, new things and ideas can come up and in the end will be reflected in the achievement of goals. Integrations, rewards, recognitions and reunions are one of the things that a manager could do in order to motivate people and also a good way to get in touch with them to know what they thing and say, in that way directors could have an idea of what employees are expecting from the place they work in.

Flynn, S. (2011). Can you directly motivate employees? Exploring the myth. Buzzard, UK.

managing employees´ personalities and attitudes

In a company, managers have many challenges, profits and customer satisfaction is very important but they have to look beyond that and realized that employees are the most important part of an organization; they represent the basis of the business. Inside the company, there are different jobs and activities that have to be completed, someone has to do them but not everybody has the correct characteristics to perform it, that reason is why managers have to care about personality and personal capacities. When hiring someone for a specific job or role it is very important to take into account the person background in order to identify if he is the correct person to perform the activity; culture, beliefs and behaviors must be analyzed on this. Understanding the differences in personality from each person will allow managers to choose, in a better way, the best profile that fits a specific role or job; coming up with better performance and better results for the company.
Once managers know the employee´s personality and see that it was the right employee for the task needed, managers have also to focus on attitudes. The own idea that employees have toward the organization and their behavior is crucial for company´s welfare, a bad attitude could not only affect the organization internally (ambiance inside the Org.) but also externally. Family, friends and partners will notice negative attitudes and they might create a negative perception of it thanks the information received, in the other hand, in my personal opinion, a positive attitude of the employee toward his job can come up with a better performance of the person in his activities and also will radiate a good feeling of the company outside it. Changing negative attitudes is also another challenging issue that managers have to deal with, it is necessary to know how the worker feels in order to know what decision make and keep him motivated inside the company.                              
Photo reference:,r:4,s:76&tx=94&ty=78

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

Corporate culture employees & groups.

Each company creates and develops some norms and values that characterized and differentiates it from others; we can say that those norms and values come up with a corporate culture that gathers and affects everything inside the company, employees, managers, groups, stakeholders, among others. People and groups in the organization take unconsciously a specific behavior inside and outside the company thank to the influence of corporate culture. Managers should know how to manipulate the corporate culture in employees and groups in order to make them feel part of the company, be more integrated with the business and reflect it with stakeholders outside the organization; make them feel that the business and is theirs too. Managers could take advantage of the culture created and have influence in employees in order to make them work or act in certain way, looking for positive attitudes towards the organization.
As a conclusion I can say that , in my opinion, every company has a different corporate culture related to the business and the way people runs it, every part that integrates the company will be affected by the culture and will adopt certain values and norms, also a specific behavior will be adopted thank to the culture born in the organization, so I will say that corporate cultures does manipulate employees and members of an organization, sometimes it could be  unconsciously or consciously but anyway is a way to influence employees toward a specific thing.