sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

leadership and managers

Leadership is a special characteristic that not all individuals have; it is the capacity to influence an individual or a group in order to achieve a specific task. Leaders have some skills that allowed them to guide in the better way others; a good leader is who listen to others´ opinions and find the best way to align people and achieve goals successfully. In the video attached at the end we can find a better explanation of the characteristics of a leader.

I considered that in companies it is very important to identify who is a good leader in a specific situation and when it is better to stay as a follower.  Inside the company a manager has to care about developing some leadership skills in order to manage employees and companies in the right way, not always a good manager is a good leader, it is important to differentiate one from another. In some cases managers who do not have enough skills as leaders can find support in someone who does and together could complement the job and get better results in the business. Being a good leader does not mean that all people is going to be agree with all the decisions, opinions and statements that the leader have in that case it is important to generate trust among people and leave a space where they can express what they think; in the case of managers, the decisions that they take almost always can be irreversible but it does not mean that employees and people cannot present their opinions towards managers directions; in companies with low power distance it is possible to talk directly to the manager and let him/ her know about the opinion and critics that the employee have but I think that arguments are necessary to supports those critics, I have to remark that disrespect and bad attitudes won´t be allowed and would never be taken into account in a positive way; in high power distance cultures what employees or any person could do is to talk with the leader, present the critics and, if it is possible, bring up some solutions. I consider that all members in the company are important and are part of the organization therefore, everyone should have the right to say and present what they think towards the organization direction and all proposals are welcome if they are for the organization benefit. Leaders take an important role when people and workers want to present their disagreement with some manager´s directions, workers should present them in a positive and proactive way rather than just criticism and leaders should be able to align workers, support them and let managers know about what people, within the company, think and feel of the directions. I think that dialogue between managers, leaders and workers is fundamental for the company sake.


1 comentario:

  1. Angela,
    I have een reading your Blog. I think you have managed to find a nice balance between your contents and the visual aids. It is a good Job. Let´s do something please feel free to do wahtever you want related to the topics we cover in class in the next 2 post. Please be creative i want to check how do you work on your own and which good ideas you can share with us.
