Differences among human being are normal issues that make each person unique. Interests, personalities, cultures, languages are all different, those differences, in some cases, can come up with some struggles.
In companies, it is known that not always people will agree there are some situations in which one would not like the way thing are done. Conflicts can be more common than what we thought and managing those conflicts can be ease when people are willing to listen to others and recognize their mistakes, but with close minded people managing change could be a nightmare. The principal cause of conflict is a bad communication, sometimes we do not take into account others opinions, and we misunderstand messages getting the wrong idea. In organizations people must have a constant communication in order to be connected in the same idea on what they are working on, understanding and accepting differences is fundamental to avoid conflicts in communication.
When working in a cross cultural environment where there are people from other places, with different cultures and languages it is important to take into consideration some key elements that will help managers and workers in general to have a better communication and avoid conflicts.
- Respect cultures beliefs like religion, customs, traditions and habits inside the organization. Respecting do not mean that someone has to adopt it just it is just to recognize the difference and respect people´s values.
- Difficulties with languages can be a big problem in communication but adopting a common language will help the organization avoid this issue.
- Close minded people are not healthy in cross cultural environments.
- Listening to others point of view and try to maintain a win-win situation could generate a better ambiance inside the organization.
Conflicts have to be faced, not facing them will generate more problems; avoiding the situation is not the solution, collaborating and collaborating are the best ways to follow. Not only managers must be compromised on conflicts resolution but every employee from directives to security personnel.
Conflicts do not have to be seen as problems inside the organizations, conflicts can also come up with new things that might represent benefits in the future the key is to know how to face them and give them the best possible solution where everybody involved in it feels pleased.